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鈦媒體正式宣布從“科技媒體”戰(zhàn)略升級為“科技知識與數據服務商”,推出全新知識服務品牌“72問”,72問的主旨是:no why,no way;極致問答,淘盡真知。立足讓用戶以碎片化時間,即可系統(tǒng)化學習能比肩國際一流大學能學到的知識。

鈦媒體創(chuàng)始人趙何娟對此的解釋是,學習,本質是一個學會提問并不斷提問的過程,答案是結果,好的問題才會有好的結果,no why則no way,而大多問題也沒有標準答案,最終影響的其實是人的認知,所以學習的更高境界不是學習知識,而是提升認知。




感謝大家訂閱皮埃羅·斯加魯菲(Piero Scaruffi)的鈦媒體·72問知識專欄《硅谷的秘密》。我是今天的提問者趙何娟。皮埃羅先生的整個專欄都會由他的英文原聲呈現,相信能讓大家有所收獲。



從1900年開始,由硅谷帶動的美國整個西海岸都蕩漾著各種“造富”神話,也遍布了 人類重大技術進展的顛覆神話,從無線電,晶體管,集成電路,到互聯(lián)網、云計算、生物基因??似乎,一代一代深刻影響現代人類命運的技術都在這里誕生;從特曼、休利特和帕卡德,到喬布斯、扎克伯格,這些過去一百年世界科技商業(yè)歷史里產生過重大影響的人,成了全世界人民的偶像。




So the first thing that I’ll tell people is how many Silicon Valleys we find today in the united states. One. So even the United States has not been able to replicate Silicon Valley there are places there are similar, like Boston, but no not the same thing. Obviously it is typical of the San Francisco Bay Area, there is something about the San Francisco bay area that was unique. It's so difficult to replicate, even in the United States.


When people in China are in Europe asked me how can we create our Silicon Valley, the answer is very obvious -- it's impossible. Even the united states cannot do it. There must be something very unique about Silicon Valley and then other places can can learn. When I wrote the book I started thinking what is so special and in actually it's really difficult to answer, because if you go back to nineteen fifty, even nineteen sixty, even nineteen seventy, even nineteen eighty, Silicon Valley there’s nothing special about the Bay Area in technology.


I usually start from nineteen fifty because I found this beautiful picture of what is now Silicon Valley. I found the picture that shows nothing, ok, empty fields that's nineteen fifty. Now nineteen fifty in in New York there was a street skyscrapers lots of money very powerful people. In Boston there was most at one point Boston had ninety percent of the software engineers in the world and the big electronic companies were on the is coast mostly around New York and New Jersey or in Europe, you know. Some very big electronic companies were based in Germany, Holland, even eagerly of course, Britain and money London. Ok. And then I have this picture in nineteen fifty Silicon Valley, nothing, you know. You see kilometers and kilometers of nothing. So it even bigger mystery because you know all the money was on the east coast or in Europe and the big electronic companies in East Coast, or Europe. You look at Nobel Prize winners in science, East Coast and Europe. California had 2 winners until nineteen fifty to fifty four.


There's nothing there that tells you oh this is where things are going to happen this is going to be the center of the world now nobody predicted that because if you look at if you live in nineteen fifty in New York or in London or in Beijing and you look at the bay area there's not a very little technology, this very little money, nothing special, you know. It's a very tiny share of the world's technology at the time and if you look at where things were invented, transistor, new jersey near New York, the computer was originally invented in the Cambridge in England, and then by and then commercialized by IBM in New York. It's really hard to explain what was so special about the bay area. So I studied the society. My theory is that you cannot just study technology and ignore the rest of society. Technology is one of the things in society, if you look at only technology, if you only study the history of technology, you will never explain what was special about the bay area, because there was very little, compared with other places in the world. So I started studying the society.





I realized what Silicon Valley does is really weird. For example, Silicon Valley does not really invent, very little was invented in Silicon Valley. When you think of the the major technologies that we have today, like computer, smartphone, the internet ,world wide web, social media, search engines, artificial intelligence, robots and so on and so on, and so many people think oh these came from silicon valley. It's not true. Almost all of them were invented somewhere else. Almost all of these things were invented somewhere else. So the mystery was really fascinating. I live there right, I live there for so long but even I was wondering why this is so strange, so unlikely. And that convinced me that you really have to look at the society, what does the society do in the bay area? Before I tell you the answer the more factors that tell you how important society is, when you think what a Silicon Valley really created, is not a technology, is the way you use the technology, like the start up. Start up you have a garage, right?



Silicon Valley history of garages that's what is different, right? That's what is different with the IBM and AT&T and the big European companies. Silicon Valley likes the garage. And even this period of going to work in Silicon Valley is a different experience. You go in blue jeans or shorts and T-shirt and you call your boss Jim or John, everything is so casual. So that's what is really different, that's what really Silicon Valley invented. It's a new way to go to work, to think about work to think about the career you know so it must be in the society there must be something in their society that is very different, and so that's why I started to study the society. Go back to nineteen fifty ,instead of focusing on the area that today is Silicon Valley, focus a little bit north ,San Francisco.


San Francisco was famous was already famous. Famous for crazy people. It was famous because crazy poets and crazy artist and I call them crazy but it's not nice, it's different. Now they were different. They were not the greatest poets they were not the greatest artist but they were different. San Francisco was a place they welcomed different ideas and some of them came with technology. For example, if one of the very first film schools in the world was in a San Francisco, this was a place where if you were doing something different. You are welcome and on the East Coast in Europe to do something different it's a little harder, you know, people don't really accept you. You are supposed to go to work, dressed well with the suit and tie, respectful of your boss and so there's a lot of rules how you have to behave in your life. In San Francisco, it was almost the opposite. No rules, okay, it was the place for the so called beat poets and then for the hippies. The gay movement was born in sufferance at a time when gays were discriminated everywhere. Of course today everybody knows Burning Man, so that's what was really special about san Francisco. Now that it was an area that accepted different people, an area that accepted different ideas, so that was already famous. If you live in the nineteen fifties, or sixties, or even seventies in New York and somebody asked you about San Francisco, you will know it is special.

早在50年代,舊金山已經十分有名,因瘋狂的人而聞名。瘋狂的詩人,瘋狂的藝術家,我說他們瘋狂,但其實這種叫法不好,他們只是與眾不同而已,他們是獨特的詩人,獨特的藝術家,他們都和普通人不一樣。但是舊金山就是這么一個歡迎不同的人的地方。這些人為舊金山帶來了技術。舊金山歡迎那些特立獨行的人。而在其他地方或者歐洲,如果你做的事情有所不同,生活就會很艱難,因為其他人不會接受你。你要去上班,穿著整齊,打好領帶,尊重老板。你在其他地方生活中,需要墨守成規(guī),而舊金山的情況卻截然不同。所以,舊金山聚集了很多詩人、嬉皮士。在同性戀飽受歧視的年代,舊金山出現了為同性戀爭取權利的活動。大家都知道火人節(jié)(Burning Man Festival)。舊金山的獨特之處是包容性,它能夠包容不同的人、不同的想法。如果你是生活在50年代的人,你問下當時在紐約居住的人,他們都知道舊金山,你就會知道他有如何特別。

But not because of the technology, it is special because it’s a strange society and then technology came out. People especially in china asked me if government has a role in silicon valley and in general we answer “no no no”. We don't like the government, we do our thing it's not completely true during WWII and during the cold war the united states invested in California in the military technology, that's how technology really came to the bay area. It was military technology originally so indirectly the government had a role, because all these military technology trained a lot of engineers a lot of the young people who were growing up in the bay area were exposed to electronics. So it had a role, and of course later the internet was invented by the government. So they were very important programs, there were government programs in silicon valley, NASA in the project, to send a man to the moon. Now we forget about in the sixties there was probably the biggest project in the US. The day were the first users of silicon of integrated circuits and one company was making the greatest circuits was Fairchild, which was now the first major semi conduct semiconductor company in a Silicon Valley. NASA still has a center at Mountain View. So he became the main customer of this small start up in silicon valley so indirectly the government had a role, because of the military technology, because of the space technology and some other research that was funded by the government. But the government did not plan silicon valley, the government had no idea that something crazy was happening there until much later, you know.



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